at the VN Gallery in Zagreb
take boxes different shapes and sizes, open them, transform them from a 3D
object into a two-dimensional surface which will hold the text. Their inside I
use as the walls of the house / book on which I will write. Writings in the
inside of the book / house / box are left naked, unprotected with time, pages,
movement of pages. Text is visible
immediately; the idea is being digested at once. I am taking away the element of
time so I can see if the idea of the book will collapse or hold.
This exhibition represents just one part of my constant book explorations, physical and conceptual play which is fluid.
I perceive written words as objects. Small, big, round, flat, yellow, white, fragila, strong, cold, soft. (My) texts are just compositions of different words. They are not telling a story, they are not painting a picture.
By default, they are trying to fing a meaning.